A professional software for furniture craftsmen
ArredoCAD is a professional software for furniture craftsmen - small manufacturers and carpenter's shops - that haven't model catalogs but, every time, need to create different taylor-made furnishing elements to meet the individual client needs. In addition to the product library with 30,000 modular and completely customizable elements, this professional software for furniture craftsmen allows to create any type of furniture item by assembling single parts (structures, doors, shelves, back panels, handles etc). Designing is made really easy due to a series of automatic functions and hooking points that help users during insertion.
The vast element libraries of ArredoCAD are completely parametric which allows to make changes and modify element measures quickly. These modifications can be saved as customized configurations to be recalled when needed. Moreover ArredoCAD has a solid modeler used to create 3D objects freely, by drawing a section and creating an extrusion path.
Thanks to tools like 3D RealTime Render and the very fast rendering engine, you can offer your clients a preview of your design solution and make some requested changes before starting production. This allows to save precious time and make sure that you can fully meet the customization needs of your client and satisfy any requests.
Once the project has been completed, ArredoCAD, the professional software for furniture craftsmen, automatically creates all the technical prints already dimensioned by the program: plan and elevation views, plinth and top diagrams, and eventually elements with non-standard measures. Texts and dimensions can be added manually and this makes the documents created extremely useful also for production and assembly.
Request a trial of ArredoCADArredoCAD has several automatic functions that allow you to save a considerable amount of time.
Elements like worktops, plinths, backsplashes, household appliances, electrical, gas and water systems are automatically inserted by the program. Moreover, ArredoCAD calculates and measures cutting and adaptation of oddly shaped elements.
Tiling, covering and baseboards are automatically laid down and cut where there are doors, windows or openings. For every room ArredoCAD supplies you with detailed quantity and measurement of surfaces, volumes, covering material inserted, scraps and stored material.
Once the project has been completed, ArredoCAD automatically creates the corresponding technical prints and quotations of plans, elevations, plinth and top diagrams, with indications for the holes of the sink and the hob. It also creates a list of the items inserted into the design project for a quick quotation.
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