In ArredoCAD the beams of a flat or of a pitched ceiling can be automatically inserted. If the ceiling in your project is (half-)pitched, click on 2D Elevation view to be able to visualize the inclination direction during insertion. Then click on Element Archive>Common Accessories>Architectural Elements>Beamed Ceiling to insert the beamed ceiling.

According to you project you can insert a flat or a pitched beamed ceiling. As to the insertion direction of the beams:

  • beamed ceiling for flat roof: the insertion direction of the beams is always parallel to the selected working wall.

  • beamed ceiling for sloping roof: you can set the insertion direction of the beams choosing between Type 1 and Type 2.

Once you have selected the element some configuration windows will appear:

1) to eventually insert joists to be positioned perpendicular to the beams (fig. 1).

Expert Answersee - Opzioni soffitto


2) To insert the values for positioning the ceiling and for setting the size of the beams/joists (fig. 2a and fig. 2b). This mask is used for flat beamed ceilings as well as for pitched beamed ceilings. When you need to insert a pitched ceiling you have to insert 2 values referred to the Min height (H1), that is the minimum height from the ground, and to the Max height (H2) referred to the maximum height up to the roof. These two values determine the inclination angle of the element and for this reason you can only set a value for height (fig. 2b) in the window to configure flat beamed ceiling.

Expert Answerse - setting the size of the beams


Expert Answerse - setting the size of the beams


3) to insert a closing plain panel or a panel with matchboards (fig.3).

Expert Answerse - panel with matchboards


4) to eventually insert a beam at the maximum height (fig. 4).

Expert Answerse - eventually insert a beam


5) To choose the color of beams and the eventual closing panel

It is possible to recall the window with all options selecting the element and clicking on the red icon with a wrench (fig. 5) with which you can modify the color or the structure.

Expert Answerse - modify the color


In the end, after the insertion of a pitched beamed ceiling you can fill the empty part between the highest point of the ceiling and the wall using triangles. Click on Element list>Common accessories>Architectural elements> Coverings and select one of the triangles.

Expert Answerse - Coverings and select


Insert the triangle and adjust it using the command Scale element that you can find on the left side tool bar (fig. 7).

Expert Answerse - Scale element


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