How to import a plan in .dwg or 2D .dxf format and obtain 3D walls
If you already have a .dwg or 2D .dxf plan of your project created with AutoCAD for example, you can import and open it with ArredoCAD: in this way drawing 3D walls will become much quicker!
Let’s discover how to do this.
- Click on “File” and from the drop-down menu click on “Import” and select “Import DWG/DXF 2D” as shown in the picture:
The window that you see below will appear (fig. 1). Click on“Open” and select your .dwf or .dwg plan (fig.2). Then a preview of the plan will appear (fig. 3).
Before importing the file please check if the scale is correct. The default scale is 1:1000. Modify the value of the scale until X (width) and Y (height) correspond to the real measurement of the plan in meters.
Your file could contain other plans, texts, sections or other elements that could interfere with the calculation of the measures of the plan or that you don’t wish to import. In this case click on “Layers” and deselect the layers you would like to hide (fig. 4). In the preview you can see in real time that the deselected layers disappear. Then Click on “Import”.
Once you have imported the file, you can check if the measurements are correct using the function “Distance”. You can find it on the command bar on the left. Click on 2 edges of a wall to know the exact length (fig. 5).
Before drawing the walls, set the height using the command “Par” (fig. 6) that you find on the command bar on the left. The wall thickness is calculated automatically: position the mouse on a line of a wall (without clicking) that you would like to draw and press the space bar on the keyboard. The line will become red (figs. 7 and 8).
Repeat the operation for the other line of the same wall then a window will appear showing the value relating to the thickness of the wall. Confirm clicking on OK (figs. 9 and 10). To select the lines more easily you can zoom on the image scrolling the wheel of the mouse, it is advisable not to be positioned near the edges of the walls.
When you import a plan, it can happen that this is positioned far from the point of origin of the worksheet (represented by 2 arrows, a blue one and a green one).
To move the plan click on “View”that you find in the menu on the top and on “Set origin of the scene”, then click on one edge of the plan. It is possible to hide / show the dxf or dwg file inserted by clicking on “View” on the menu on the top and selecting the option “Plan DWG/DXF 2D” > “Hide/Show plan DWG/DXF”.
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