By clicking on the command , in the upper toolbar you can enter the 3D window that allows to navigate in the scene using the 4 arrows keys located on the computer keyboard (fig. 1).
(fig. 1)
By holding pressed the central mouse wheel (fig. 2) and moving the mouse it is possible to move the point of view of the scene but not to change the direction of the gaze or to move freely in the space.
(fig. 2)
By pressing the right mouse button you can activate the “Full navigation” mode (fig. 3), where it is possible to move using both mouse (to rotate the gaze in all directions) and keyboard (to move forward, backward, leftward and rightward pressing the 4 direction arrow keys or the keys A, S, D, and W to move more smoothly).
(fig. 3)
By clicking the right mouse button again you can deactivate the navigation and the scene freezes. The right mouse button has the function to activate and to deactivate the movement of the mouse in the 3D window (fig. 4).

When the navigation mode is active, it is possible to scroll the central wheel of the mouse changing the position of the point of view (lower or higher) (fig. 5).
(fig. 5)
By holding pressed the CTRL button on the computer keyboard and clicking on an element with the left mouse button you can directly open the window related to the 3D Components without using the command “Element Property”, and that is useful, for example, to quickly change the material or UV mapping (figg. 6 and 7).
(fig. 6)
(fig. 7)
By holding pressed the ALT key and clicking on a texture or on an image with the left mouse button it is possible to directly open the Material Editor window to modify the parameters of a texture (figg. 8 and 9).
(fig. 8)
(fig. 9)
When the navigation mode is deactivated (by pressing the right mouse button) it is possible to eliminate an element directly from the 3D window: click on it to select it, then press the CANC key on the computer keyboard (fig. 10). By holding pressed the left mouse key you activate the rotation of the scene around the selected element.
(fig. 10)
The F6 key on the computer keyboard allows to restore the point of view of the 3D window that is to say the point of view set when walls were drawn, or zero point (fid. 11).
(fig. 11)
It is possible to adjust the navigation speed using the dedicated bar at the bottom left (fig. 12).
(fig. 12)
Moreover, it is possible to use the wide-angle function to create a wider field of view in narrow and small spaces that limit navigation. To activate this function position the cursor in the 3D window and press the HOME key to make the field of view wider, or the END key to reduce it when you use a PC (fig. 13). If you use a laptop the corresponding keys are 1 and 7 without activating the Num Lock key.
(fig. 13)